College Admissions Showdown: Standout Network vs. Common App vs. Coalition

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Key Takeaways

  • The Standout Admissions Network, Common App, and Coalition App are three distinct platforms that help streamline the college application process.

  • Understanding the differences between these platforms can save you time and tailor your application to each college’s unique requirements.

  • Being authentic and showcasing your extracurricular achievements are crucial for making your application stand out.

  • Attention to detail and strong letters of recommendation are key to a successful college application.

  • Each application platform has its own set of essay prompts and requirements, so it’s important to plan accordingly.

Your Ultimate Guide to Navigating College Applications

When you’re gearing up for the college application process, it can feel like you’re about to climb a mountain. But don’t worry, I’m here to be your guide. We’re going to tackle this together, and by the time we’re done, you’ll be ready to stand out in the college admissions landscape. Let’s start by picking the right path up that mountain – choosing the best application portal for you.

Choosing the Right Application Portal

First things first, you need to decide which application platform to use. Think of it like choosing the right gear before a hike. The Standout Admissions Network, Common App, and Coalition App each have their own set of features and benefits. Your job is to pick the one that fits your journey to college the best.

Most importantly, you’ll want to consider which colleges you’re applying to. Some might accept all three platforms, while others may only accept one. This is where your research skills come in handy. Make a list of your top colleges and note which application they accept. This will help you determine which platform to focus on.

Strategies to Distinguish Yourself

Now, let’s talk about making your application shine. Colleges receive thousands of applications, so yours needs to pop. How do you do that? Through your story, your passions, and your achievements. Your application is not just a form to fill out; it’s a canvas to paint your future on.

Therefore, take the time to reflect on what makes you unique. Maybe you’ve led a community service project, or you’ve conducted research in a subject you’re passionate about. These are the gold nuggets that will catch an admissions officer’s eye.

“StandOut Admissions Network …” from and used with no modifications.

Standout Admissions Network Explained

The Standout Admissions Network is like a VIP pass to the college admissions process. It’s a newer platform that’s not as widely used as the Common App or Coalition App, but it offers a personalized approach to applying to college. It’s designed to help you shine by highlighting your personal story and achievements.

The network aims to connect you directly with colleges that are looking for students just like you. Instead of casting a wide net, it’s about finding the right fit between you and your future college.

“The Common App vs. The Coalition App …” from and used with no modifications.

Common App vs. Coalition: A Direct Comparison

Let’s put the Common App and Coalition App side by side to see how they stack up. Both are widely used by colleges and universities, but they have some key differences.

The Common App is like the Swiss Army knife of college applications. It’s accepted by over 900 schools, and it allows you to apply to up to 20 colleges with one application. It’s been around for a while, so it’s a well-oiled machine that’s user-friendly and packed with features.

On the other hand, the Coalition App is like a specialized tool. It’s accepted by fewer schools, but it’s focused on accessibility and affordability. It’s particularly geared towards students who are underrepresented or have limited resources.

Both platforms require personal information, essays, and recommendations, but the Coalition App also has a handy locker feature where you can store documents and materials throughout high school. The Common App is more straightforward, with a single dashboard to manage your applications.

Decoding the College Application Platforms

What is the Standout Admissions Network?

The Standout Admissions Network is a bit like a concierge service for college applications. It’s not just about filling out forms; it’s about crafting a narrative. This platform helps you tell your story in a way that resonates with admissions officers.

What’s great about the Standout Admissions Network is its focus on individuality. It helps students highlight their unique experiences and how they’ve overcome challenges. This personalized touch can make all the difference in a sea of similar applications.

Diving into the Common App

The Common App is a trusted friend in the college application process. It simplifies things by allowing you to fill out one application for multiple schools. You’ll enter your info, choose from one of seven essay prompts, and upload your best work.

But remember, while the main application is the same for all schools, some colleges will ask for additional essays or materials. Keep an eye out for these requirements as you select colleges within the Common App system.

Understanding the Coalition Application

The Coalition Application is like a mentor for students who might need a little extra support. It not only helps you apply to colleges but also provides a platform for you to organize and showcase your high school work from 9th grade onward.

Its locker feature is a standout, allowing you to collect and refine essays, projects, and other important documents over time. This can be a game-changer if you start early and use it as a portfolio to demonstrate your growth and achievements.

Comparing Key Features

When it comes to comparing the Common App and Coalition App, think of them as two different backpacks. Each has its own pockets and compartments designed for specific items. The key is to know what you’re packing. Here’s how to sort through the features of each to make sure you’re prepared for your college application journey.

The Common App is like the backpack with a place for everything. It’s structured, straightforward, and you can see at a glance what you need to do. The Coalition App, however, is more like a backpack with hidden pockets. It has unique features like the locker and collaboration space, which can be incredibly useful if you know they’re there and how to use them.

Common App:

  • Accepted by over 900 institutions worldwide.

  • Allows applications to up to 20 colleges.

  • Streamlined, one-stop-shop for application materials.

Coalition App:

  • Accepted by around 150 institutions, with an emphasis on affordability and accessibility.

  • Includes a “Locker” to store and manage documents throughout high school.

  • Focuses on helping underrepresented students navigate the college application process.

Now that you’ve got a sense of the layout, let’s delve into some specifics. Application fees, essay requirements, and available support resources can all influence your decision on which platform to use.

Application Fees and Waivers

Money matters, and application fees can add up quickly when you’re applying to multiple colleges. Most colleges on the Common App and Coalition App charge application fees, typically ranging from $30 to $75. However, both platforms offer fee waivers for eligible students. If you’re concerned about costs, here’s what you need to do:

  • Check if you qualify for a fee waiver on either platform.

  • Reach out to your school counselor to help you with the fee waiver application process.

  • Consider applying to colleges that automatically waive the fee if you apply online or by a certain date.

It’s crucial to explore these options early, so you don’t miss out on opportunities simply because of application fees.

Essay Prompts and Requirements

The essay is your moment in the spotlight. It’s where you get to tell your story and show colleges who you are beyond your grades and test scores. The Common App offers a choice of seven essay prompts, while the Coalition App provides five prompts with a focus on reflection and storytelling.

But here’s the catch: some colleges require additional supplemental essays, so you’ll need to plan your time wisely. To tackle this:

  • Start by reviewing the essay prompts for each application platform.

  • Create a calendar with deadlines for all essays, main and supplemental.

  • Begin drafting your essays early, giving yourself plenty of time for revisions.

Remember, your essays are a chance to make your voice heard. Make them count!

Support and Resources

Imagine you’re on a hike and you find yourself at a tricky part of the trail. That’s when you’ll appreciate having a guide. Similarly, both the Common App and Coalition App offer resources to help you navigate the application process.

The Common App provides a comprehensive help center, easy-to-follow application guides, and a 24/7 support team. The Coalition App offers a platform called MyCoalition, where you can access tools and collaborate with supporters such as teachers and counselors.

Here’s what you can do to make the most of these resources:

  • Bookmark the help centers for quick access to FAQs and troubleshooting tips.

  • Connect with your supporters early in the process to ensure they have time to assist you.

  • Utilize the virtual counselors and chatbots for immediate assistance with common questions.

Don’t hesitate to reach out for help when you need it. These resources are there for you to use!

Paving the Way to Stand Out

Now that we’ve covered the nuts and bolts of the application platforms, let’s focus on what will really make your application stand out. It’s not just about filling in the blanks; it’s about showcasing who you are in a way that captures the attention of admissions officers.

Authenticity in Your Application

Be real. Admissions officers can spot a phony from a mile away. They’re looking for genuine students with authentic stories. So, when you’re writing your essays or describing your activities, be honest. Share your true passions and the real challenges you’ve faced. Authenticity resonates, and it can make your application stand out.

Extracurricular Activities and Leadership

Colleges want to see that you’ve been involved in your community, but it’s not just about checking a box. They’re interested in the impact you’ve made. Whether you were the captain of your soccer team, the lead in the school play, or the founder of a community service project, it’s the leadership and commitment that count.

To highlight your extracurriculars:

  • Choose activities that you’re passionate about, not just ones you think will look good on an application.

  • Seek out leadership roles or opportunities to take on more responsibility.

  • Reflect on the impact of your involvement and be prepared to discuss it in your essays or interviews.

These experiences can be the tipping point for your application, so give them the attention they deserve.

Admissions Essays That Make an Impact

Your admissions essays are your opportunity to speak directly to the admissions committee. It’s your chance to go beyond the numbers and lists of activities to reveal the person behind the application.

When writing your essays:

  • Start with a compelling hook to grab the reader’s attention.

  • Use vivid storytelling to illustrate your points and bring your experiences to life.

  • End with a strong conclusion that ties back to the main theme and leaves a lasting impression.

A powerful essay can be the difference between a “maybe” and a “yes,” so invest the time to make it your best work.

Submitting Your Application: Tips and Tricks

  • Review each section of your application multiple times for accuracy and completeness.

  • Follow up with your recommenders to ensure they submit their letters on time.

  • Check and double-check that all supplemental materials are submitted before the deadline.

Remember, the devil’s in the details. A small mistake can be a big distraction, so take the time to do it right.

Finally, take a deep breath. You’ve put in the work, you’ve shared your story, and you’ve showcased your achievements. Now, it’s time to hit submit and look forward to the next chapter of your journey.

Tailoring Your Approach

Each college is looking for something a little different in its applicants. That’s why it’s essential to tailor your application to highlight what each college values most. Think of it as customizing your resume for a job application; you want to emphasize the skills and experiences that will make you stand out for that particular role.

Selecting the Right Platform for Your Needs

Choosing between the Standout Admissions Network, Common App, and Coalition App depends on your specific circumstances and the colleges you’re targeting. If you’re aiming for a school that values a more personalized approach and you have a compelling story to tell, the Standout Admissions Network might be the way to go. On the other hand, if you’re applying to a wide range of colleges, the Common App’s extensive network could be your best bet. For those focused on accessibility and affordability, or if you’ve been building a comprehensive portfolio of work, the Coalition App could serve you well.

  • Review the list of colleges you’re interested in and note which platforms they accept.

  • Consider your own strengths and the unique aspects of your application.

  • Choose the platform that aligns best with your college goals and personal narrative.

Once you’ve selected the right platform, it’s time to start personalizing your application. For more insights on making your application stand out, consider reading about strategies for managing college essay submission stress.

Personalizing Your Application for Different Colleges

Even if you’re using a common application platform, you can still personalize your application for each college. This can be done through the supplemental essays, where you can speak directly to the specific college’s values, programs, and community. Research each college thoroughly and think about what you can contribute to their unique environment.

Financial Aid and Scholarships: Playing the Smart Card

Applying for financial aid and scholarships is just as important as the application itself. Many colleges use the information from your application to determine eligibility for merit-based scholarships, so make sure to highlight any academic achievements, leadership roles, or community service that could help you qualify for additional financial support.


Can I use both the Common App and Coalition Application?

Yes, you can use both the Common App and Coalition Application if the colleges you are applying to accept them. However, it’s important to manage your time effectively and ensure you can meet all the different requirements for each platform.

Be strategic in deciding how many and which platforms to use. It’s better to have a few strong applications than many rushed ones.

What makes the Standout Admissions Network unique?

The Standout Admissions Network is unique because it focuses on storytelling and the individual journey of each student. It’s designed to help students who may have a compelling life story or diverse background to stand out in the admissions process.

How do I know if my essay is good enough to stand out?

A standout essay is one that is not only well-written but also reflects your true self. It should provide insight into your character, values, and how you approach challenges. Ask yourself if your essay would make someone want to meet you or learn more about you. If the answer is yes, you’re on the right track. For more guidance, check out these college admission essay tips.

Seek feedback from teachers, mentors, or peers to ensure your essay is clear, engaging, and free of errors.

What are the most common mistakes students make in their applications?

The most common mistakes include not proofreading, which can lead to typos and grammatical errors, and failing to tailor the application to each college. Other mistakes include missing deadlines, not following instructions, and neglecting to showcase personality and individuality.

Should I tailor my application if all colleges use the same platform?

Absolutely. While the main application might be the same, the supplemental sections are your opportunity to customize your application for each college. Use these sections to show why you’re a great fit for each specific college’s culture and programs.